Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Voices united for Christchurch

Last night's benefit concert for Christchurch, in which all four members of the New 4tet were involved, went fantastically well, and raised £4155 which will go via the Red Cross to help those most in need after the earthquake.

Representatives of nine different choirs took part, under the inspirational leadership of Michael Bawtree, Glasgow Chamber Choir, RSCM Scottish Voices, St Mary's Cathedral (Glasgow), St Mary's Cathedral (Edinburgh), Edinburgh Singers, Edinburgh Royal Choral Union, Glasgow University Chapel Choir, Strathclyde University Chamber Choir and the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (RSAMD).

A reporter from BBC Radio Scotland was there to record much of what was happening and he interviewed a few people, albeit he got the first name of the Kiwi soloist wrong by calling her Jane Elder instead of Ruth Elder (Ruth is a friend of all four of the New 4tet).  You can hear a recording of the BBC news article, including some interviews and a bit of the choir singing as well as the two Kiwi soloists by clicking here.

The full programme was:

  • Locus Iste - Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)

Stephen Chambers (tenor)
  • Comfort ye my people - George Frederic Handel (1685-1759)
    Every valley shall be exalted - George Frederic Handel (1685-1759)

Rachel Hynes (soprano)
  • The Lord's Prayer - Albert Hay Malotte (1895-1964)

Ruth Elder (soprano)
  • Pokarekare Ana - Trad. Maori folksong

Rachel Hynes (soprano) and Karen Cargill (mezzo soprano)
  • Letter Duet from The Marriage of Figaro - W A Mozart (1756-1791)

Stephen Chambers (tenor)
  • The Choirmaster's Funeral (Thomas Hardy) - Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)

Choir & soloists
Brynne Mcleod (mezzo soprano)
Nick Morris (baritone)
David Sloan (violoncello)
Geoff Woolatt (organ)
  • Requiem (Op. 9) - Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986)

Choir and audience, first verse sung in Maori by choir
  • God defend New Zealand (National Anthem)

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